So, because I seem to be a fan of making these lists of what I hate about the world, I decided to challange myself and make another one presenting what I actually love about people and humanity! Here it goes:
- Funny people, who make me laugh
- Unselfishness, when people care about each other
- Art, out ability to create
- Meaningful conversations
- Music
- Love, making love, sharing a secret
- Funny people, who make me laugh
- Unselfishness, when people care about each other
- Art, out ability to create
- Meaningful conversations
- Music
- Love, making love, sharing a secret
- Inside jokes
- Spontanious people
- Wisdom, people who never stop being curious
- Our ability to feel empathy, out ability to see ourselves in others
- Our instant motherly instinct towards babies and children in need
- Ethical thinking
- Second chances
- Human strenth to have faith even in the most hopeless situations
- Ability to forgive
- Spontanious people
- Wisdom, people who never stop being curious
- Our ability to feel empathy, out ability to see ourselves in others
- Our instant motherly instinct towards babies and children in need
- Ethical thinking
- Second chances
- Human strenth to have faith even in the most hopeless situations
- Ability to forgive