why people suck

So this is not some post about how guys are assholes or how girls are sluts because I'm the only cool girl existing. It's about people in general, how amazingly lame they are and why. Here's a list of shit people do to be cynical about:

We always see the world from our own narrow perspectives. We trust everything we see with our eyes and we rarely give ourselves a second to question it. We all think we're exceptionally smart, brave and awesome. The faults lay in the person we have a problem with, rarely in ourselves.

We pitty ourselves. The world is against us, Jesus hates us or we have bad luck in our genes.

We interpret the happenings around us so they suit our own personal wishes. When your friend doesn't wanna be your friend anymore it's probably because she's having a rough period in her life, she's jealous of your amazing looks or she's into crack. When you don't get into the school you applied to it's probably because of the slightly higher standards this year, the fact that you didn't really have time to read enough or because the interviewer was intimidated by your amazing skills. It never occurs to you that all this shit might happen to you simply because you're actually a pretty boring, untalented and antisocial person and you might wanna do something about it.

We are too scared to follow our hearts. You always meet these people who really wanna be world savers, travellers or artists but they still work at Handelsbanken, just because living scares the shit out of them.

We make stupid choises to get other people's acceptance. We live our lives pleasing others and we die realizing no one did ever really please us back.

We never stop and think. 

We stop and think too much. It's either or.

We don't believe in love. We think we're too alternative to fall in love. And then we do, but we call it "finding our soulmate".

We think we see love eveywhere. No idiot, you're not in love with your best friend's cousin's cousin. He looks like shit and he's nothing like you. The reason you think you wanna marry him is because you're desperate and lonley and you probably have a bad self-esteem.

We use rebounds to forget the ones we're actually into. And to pimp our egos.

We use people for sex.

We use people for money.

We critisize the hell out of everybody but we have a hard time seeing our own weaknesses. I'm wonderwoman, who are you?

We blog about personal stuff. If we want to be heard, why don't we go ahead and write our shit on facebook, twitter or google+? If we don't, why don't we just keep a diary? We blog because we can't make up our minds. Ever. About anything.

Postat av: minna

whoooot, maybe i forgot :( de va så orealistiskt att kela på loma att ja int kunde kela på de alls :D vi kommer näillä näkymin bäkkii på lörda! :) ps. looooved the inlägg

2012-01-25 @ 08:34:25
URL: http://minnass.webblogg.se/
Postat av: milla

Sooo true:) bra inlägg!

2012-01-25 @ 10:25:17

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