1. How was your last birthday? What did you do?
My last birthday was alright. I got a chocolate cake at our final exams in swedish and my ex took me out for mexican food and wine. However, I'm turning 20 in two days and I'm freaking thrilled!!
2. Describe a kiss you can remember
My first one. The most awkward and soooo damn sweet.
3. What’s your biggest regret? Something from your past you wished you could have changed?
Not daring to believe.
4. When was the last time you laughed so hard that tears fell from your face and what was it at?
I got a laughattack from Nelly's textmessage today. We were speaking of our New Years in Paris. "Man sku ännu kunna gå på ett par till hotellbaren" hahahahaha I can't get over how funny we are.

5. What is one item in your room you love?
My psychology books from high school. I love how I just know everything that's in them. Sort of makes me feel like shrinking superwoman.
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I hate this question. It always comes up and I never have an answer. Fucking everything.
7. Do you have any scars and if so, how did you get them?
I have one right between my eyebrows. It's from the hindu spot I used to have in my last life.
8. Where would you like to be in 10 years?
I honestly don't think that much about where I wanna live. I believe there are awesome people everywhere. It's about finding the special beauty in the place you are.
9. What are your views on drugs and alcohol?
I don't really analyze them.

10. Have you ever been on televison?
I spoke about homosexual's rights to adopt on the news haha
11. Write 3 facts people might not know about you.
1. I can't fully open my mouth
2. I think the colour blue is superboring
3. In fith grade i colored my hair black with mascara 'cause I wanted to look like Amy Lee
12. What’s your zodiac sign?
13. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
I don't own any sweats, so jeans or tights.
14. Who was your first love?
This guy I dated in fifth grade. He was older, had long hair and liked heavy metal. We used to have these awkward dates when no one really talked. We just stared at each other and really wanted to grow up and make out and have babies.
16. Do you care if people talks badly about you?
Haha I don't, really
17. Name somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
I wanna visit some of these mainstream beachspots, like Thailand or Mauritius

18. What’s your earliest memory?
I think it's something about a swing, but I'm not sure if it's real
19. What music do you hate?
Bad rap and meaningless electronic "wannabe alternative" shit that really sucks
20. What are your highs and lows of this past year?
I mostly have highs. I've finally started to live like I want to, I've made lots of right choises and I'm almost over my disease phobia. Lows: I've wasted shit lots of money in the most ridiculous ways and I've made some pretty unnecessary dating.
21. Were you single over the last summer?

22. Who are you closest to in your family?
I'm not that close to them but I'm gonna say my mom.
23. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
24. What’s one of your favorite tv show?
I don't know ANY tv shows hahaha
25. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I've grown so much as a person, I couldn't explain it in three million words.
26. Name 1 person who is famous who you find attractive.
My aussiboy Dean Valentino is almost famous. He's definitely the most beautiful human being alive. No doubts.

27. Name 3 favorite movies
Donnie Darko, Girl interrupted, Gentlemen prefer blondes
28. Someone you hate?
I don't waste my time hating people. Takes the fun out of life
29. What kind of person attracts you?
Real people, who are not playing fucking games or trying to act like someone they're not. Cool, chill, true people who love to have fun and who actually know (or at least want to know) something about the world.
30. What’s a problem that you have recently had or are currently having?
Moneystruggle. All over the place...
31. What was the last thing you ate?
bread with ham and mustard (love)
32. Share 3 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.
Buying my inträdeslitteratur, making sure the kids get a good new afternoon-teacher and renting out my appartment
33. What’s been the highlight of your month and the lowest point?
High: The people in my life. Lows: No money, the weather and the hangovers
34. What’s something that you’ve done in the past that you would never do again?
Dating people I'm not actually interested in, at all
35. What is you’re biggest insecurity & why?
36. What was the last song you listened to?
Lana Del Rey, my latest discovery

37. Are you a jealous person?
I thought I could be pretty jealous but after meeting a certain couple of girlfriends I actually think I'm quite cool
38. Have you lost anyone close to you to death?
I lost a horse I really loved. I've lost closely related people, but not really anyone "close"
39. What is your purpose in life?
To experience as much as possible, to enjoy every day to it's fullest and to be able to look back when I'm 80 and actually feel like I've lived and I'm done.
40. When was the last time you cried and what was it over?
Money. moneymoneymoney
41. If you got to spend an entire day with a celebrity what would you guys do?
Mary Kate Olsen. Just because I'm in love with her wardrobe.

42. How do you look right now?
My last birthday was alright. I got a chocolate cake at our final exams in swedish and my ex took me out for mexican food and wine. However, I'm turning 20 in two days and I'm freaking thrilled!!
2. Describe a kiss you can remember
My first one. The most awkward and soooo damn sweet.
3. What’s your biggest regret? Something from your past you wished you could have changed?
Not daring to believe.
4. When was the last time you laughed so hard that tears fell from your face and what was it at?
I got a laughattack from Nelly's textmessage today. We were speaking of our New Years in Paris. "Man sku ännu kunna gå på ett par till hotellbaren" hahahahaha I can't get over how funny we are.

5. What is one item in your room you love?
My psychology books from high school. I love how I just know everything that's in them. Sort of makes me feel like shrinking superwoman.
6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I hate this question. It always comes up and I never have an answer. Fucking everything.
7. Do you have any scars and if so, how did you get them?
I have one right between my eyebrows. It's from the hindu spot I used to have in my last life.
8. Where would you like to be in 10 years?
I honestly don't think that much about where I wanna live. I believe there are awesome people everywhere. It's about finding the special beauty in the place you are.
9. What are your views on drugs and alcohol?
I don't really analyze them.

10. Have you ever been on televison?
I spoke about homosexual's rights to adopt on the news haha
11. Write 3 facts people might not know about you.
1. I can't fully open my mouth
2. I think the colour blue is superboring
3. In fith grade i colored my hair black with mascara 'cause I wanted to look like Amy Lee
12. What’s your zodiac sign?
13. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
I don't own any sweats, so jeans or tights.
14. Who was your first love?
This guy I dated in fifth grade. He was older, had long hair and liked heavy metal. We used to have these awkward dates when no one really talked. We just stared at each other and really wanted to grow up and make out and have babies.
16. Do you care if people talks badly about you?
Haha I don't, really
17. Name somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
I wanna visit some of these mainstream beachspots, like Thailand or Mauritius

18. What’s your earliest memory?
I think it's something about a swing, but I'm not sure if it's real
19. What music do you hate?
Bad rap and meaningless electronic "wannabe alternative" shit that really sucks
20. What are your highs and lows of this past year?
I mostly have highs. I've finally started to live like I want to, I've made lots of right choises and I'm almost over my disease phobia. Lows: I've wasted shit lots of money in the most ridiculous ways and I've made some pretty unnecessary dating.
21. Were you single over the last summer?

22. Who are you closest to in your family?
I'm not that close to them but I'm gonna say my mom.
23. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
24. What’s one of your favorite tv show?
I don't know ANY tv shows hahaha
25. How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I've grown so much as a person, I couldn't explain it in three million words.
26. Name 1 person who is famous who you find attractive.
My aussiboy Dean Valentino is almost famous. He's definitely the most beautiful human being alive. No doubts.

27. Name 3 favorite movies
Donnie Darko, Girl interrupted, Gentlemen prefer blondes
28. Someone you hate?
I don't waste my time hating people. Takes the fun out of life
29. What kind of person attracts you?
Real people, who are not playing fucking games or trying to act like someone they're not. Cool, chill, true people who love to have fun and who actually know (or at least want to know) something about the world.
30. What’s a problem that you have recently had or are currently having?
Moneystruggle. All over the place...
31. What was the last thing you ate?
bread with ham and mustard (love)
32. Share 3 goals you want completed in the next 30 days.
Buying my inträdeslitteratur, making sure the kids get a good new afternoon-teacher and renting out my appartment
33. What’s been the highlight of your month and the lowest point?
High: The people in my life. Lows: No money, the weather and the hangovers
34. What’s something that you’ve done in the past that you would never do again?
Dating people I'm not actually interested in, at all
35. What is you’re biggest insecurity & why?
I feel really stupid when it comes to logical thinking and visual IQ. I never find places, I can't even get off at the right busstop when I go home. And I don't know any maths, none.
36. What was the last song you listened to?
Lana Del Rey, my latest discovery

37. Are you a jealous person?
I thought I could be pretty jealous but after meeting a certain couple of girlfriends I actually think I'm quite cool
38. Have you lost anyone close to you to death?
I lost a horse I really loved. I've lost closely related people, but not really anyone "close"
39. What is your purpose in life?
To experience as much as possible, to enjoy every day to it's fullest and to be able to look back when I'm 80 and actually feel like I've lived and I'm done.
40. When was the last time you cried and what was it over?
Money. moneymoneymoney
41. If you got to spend an entire day with a celebrity what would you guys do?
Mary Kate Olsen. Just because I'm in love with her wardrobe.

42. How do you look right now?
like a fucking crackwhore, gotta love finnish winter
43. Do you like spicy food and why?
yes. lol 'cause it's awesome? random sucky questions
44. Can you cook? If so what are your favorite dishes to make?
kind of but i'm really lazy. i'm making pasta right now however. hihi good girl
45. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Many. Some even give me albatrosses or jumbo jets...
46. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
Umm my shirt and my bra? no one?
47. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
48. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
This one little kid at one of my workplaces. I seriously wanna give him the whole world served on a silver platter.
49. Tell me about something you would happily do again?
lol the first thing i thought about is so censured. but ummm love someone? or is that too cheesy?

50. Ever had a rumor spread about you?
Who hasn't?
51. What makes you most angry?
narrow-minded, stupid people. people who think they are complete in their beliefs. and religion, sometimes
52. Who do you think is a really unnecessary celebrity?
The gang from Jersy Shore. Or Rebecca Black
53. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Kind of. Kind of not
54. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
I'm not a fan of cheesy romantic baths or dinners. Small surprises are the best. Like breakfast in bed or a cute frase in the right moment

55. Dream job?
Children's therapist. Or sextherapist hehee... Just 'cause it sounds so kinky.
56. What was the last movie you saw?
Some like it hot with Marilyn Monroe
57. What do you prefer eating for lunch?
Java's cesar sallad is the best lunch ever
58. Do you like chocolate?
I lovelovelove chocolate. Guilty pleasure no 1
59. How many relationships have you had?
One real
60. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I'm just being my flirty self, some guys tend to like me
61. What is something you feel like you are really good at?
Making out. And some other stuff....
62. Have you ever thrown up in the car?
I think I threw up in my ex's bag once. Hahaha sorry for that bro!
63. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I don't think so. Love Kestine (allergy medicine) though
64. Do you want to have children first, or get married first?
Get very very married
65. Do you like rainy summer days or snowy winter days more?
I love rainy summer days
66. What do you do when you can’t sleep?
Usually my pills make me too dizzy to really do anything so I just lay in bed and hope to fall asleep. Or have more pills haha.
67. What’s something that’s on your bucket list?
I don't do bucket lists, I like my actions to be quite spontanious
68. Favorite makeup products?
Loreal - True match foundation
Dior mascara
43. Do you like spicy food and why?
yes. lol 'cause it's awesome? random sucky questions
44. Can you cook? If so what are your favorite dishes to make?
kind of but i'm really lazy. i'm making pasta right now however. hihi good girl
45. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Many. Some even give me albatrosses or jumbo jets...
46. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
Umm my shirt and my bra? no one?
47. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
48. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
This one little kid at one of my workplaces. I seriously wanna give him the whole world served on a silver platter.
49. Tell me about something you would happily do again?
lol the first thing i thought about is so censured. but ummm love someone? or is that too cheesy?

50. Ever had a rumor spread about you?
Who hasn't?
51. What makes you most angry?
narrow-minded, stupid people. people who think they are complete in their beliefs. and religion, sometimes
52. Who do you think is a really unnecessary celebrity?
The gang from Jersy Shore. Or Rebecca Black
53. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Kind of. Kind of not
54. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
I'm not a fan of cheesy romantic baths or dinners. Small surprises are the best. Like breakfast in bed or a cute frase in the right moment

55. Dream job?
Children's therapist. Or sextherapist hehee... Just 'cause it sounds so kinky.
56. What was the last movie you saw?
Some like it hot with Marilyn Monroe
57. What do you prefer eating for lunch?
Java's cesar sallad is the best lunch ever
58. Do you like chocolate?
I lovelovelove chocolate. Guilty pleasure no 1
59. How many relationships have you had?
One real
60. What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I'm just being my flirty self, some guys tend to like me
61. What is something you feel like you are really good at?
Making out. And some other stuff....
62. Have you ever thrown up in the car?
I think I threw up in my ex's bag once. Hahaha sorry for that bro!
63. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I don't think so. Love Kestine (allergy medicine) though
64. Do you want to have children first, or get married first?
Get very very married
65. Do you like rainy summer days or snowy winter days more?
I love rainy summer days
66. What do you do when you can’t sleep?
Usually my pills make me too dizzy to really do anything so I just lay in bed and hope to fall asleep. Or have more pills haha.
67. What’s something that’s on your bucket list?
I don't do bucket lists, I like my actions to be quite spontanious
68. Favorite makeup products?
Loreal - True match foundation
Dior mascara
Max factor's darkest red lipgloss
69. What’s your favourite holiday and why?
Summer, quel suprize
70. What’s the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?
I love nice strangers. Lots of people I don't know give me really flattering compliments. I seldom remember them though, which kind of sucks...
71. Favorite place to shop at?
I love Helsinki10, but I really can't afford it. And french downtown boutiques.

72. What’s the first song that comes to your mind right now?
Jolene, so beautiful
73. What would your dream flat look like?
God I suckkkk at visual stuff. But really simple, with like a matress and shit lots of weird pictures on the walls. Like walls all coverd with fucking WEIRD SHIT.
74. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
The person who did this before me answered Bora Bora. I guess Bora Bora is a pretty cool answer
75. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person, if so, who?
Ummmm wait. Actually some of you readers told me I look like Sienna Miller in the "Alfie" movie, haha
76. 5 things you can not live without? (not living beings)
My hairstraightner, coffee, internet, night outs and marlboro lights.
77. What’s your favourite children’s tv show/movie?
Beauty and the beast
78. What song makes you cry the most?
Maria Mena - Lullaby
79. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?
Office Space, hahahahaha
80. What’s something crazy that you’ve always wanted to do?
Get hypnotized in bed. HAHAHAHAHA
81. What’s your biggest fear?
Death. Or really trusting someone and being let down.
82. Least favorite food?
Like really yucky basic finnish food (ex. janssons frestelse)
83. When was the last time someone said something nice to you?
The boy I help with his homework told me I'm amazing and he's in love with me, hahahaha...
84. If you were told you were going to have 3 daughters, what would you want to name them?
Ellinor, Erin and Eliza. But I'd prefer 3 sons (how horrible).
69. What’s your favourite holiday and why?
Summer, quel suprize
70. What’s the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?
I love nice strangers. Lots of people I don't know give me really flattering compliments. I seldom remember them though, which kind of sucks...
71. Favorite place to shop at?
I love Helsinki10, but I really can't afford it. And french downtown boutiques.

72. What’s the first song that comes to your mind right now?
Jolene, so beautiful
73. What would your dream flat look like?
God I suckkkk at visual stuff. But really simple, with like a matress and shit lots of weird pictures on the walls. Like walls all coverd with fucking WEIRD SHIT.
74. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
The person who did this before me answered Bora Bora. I guess Bora Bora is a pretty cool answer
75. Have you ever been told you look like a famous person, if so, who?
Ummmm wait. Actually some of you readers told me I look like Sienna Miller in the "Alfie" movie, haha
76. 5 things you can not live without? (not living beings)
My hairstraightner, coffee, internet, night outs and marlboro lights.
77. What’s your favourite children’s tv show/movie?
Beauty and the beast
78. What song makes you cry the most?
Maria Mena - Lullaby
79. What’s the funniest film you’ve ever seen?
Office Space, hahahahaha
80. What’s something crazy that you’ve always wanted to do?
Get hypnotized in bed. HAHAHAHAHA
81. What’s your biggest fear?
Death. Or really trusting someone and being let down.
82. Least favorite food?
Like really yucky basic finnish food (ex. janssons frestelse)
83. When was the last time someone said something nice to you?
The boy I help with his homework told me I'm amazing and he's in love with me, hahahaha...
84. If you were told you were going to have 3 daughters, what would you want to name them?
Ellinor, Erin and Eliza. But I'd prefer 3 sons (how horrible).