Despite the temporar lack of success in my jobhunt, I have decided not to start worrying before I have to. Below is a list of some amazing achievements me and Nelly did last summer in our own self-developed club "Arbetslösa klubben":
1. Charity work (keeping company to mentally handicapped, low IQ people)

2. Experiencing different cultures

3. Participation in various sportsevents

4. Making additions to the entertainment industry (wrote a song and directed our own music video)
5. Attending social events

6. Making efforts for the national economy

7. Fighting against anorectic ideals

So don't give up just because the labor market screws you over. You can do anything. You can do everything. Aim high!!
1. Charity work (keeping company to mentally handicapped, low IQ people)

2. Experiencing different cultures

3. Participation in various sportsevents

4. Making additions to the entertainment industry (wrote a song and directed our own music video)
5. Attending social events

6. Making efforts for the national economy

7. Fighting against anorectic ideals

So don't give up just because the labor market screws you over. You can do anything. You can do everything. Aim high!!
Postat av: Anonym
hahahaha jossan, hajos ti golfbollen :::::DDDDd evil
Postat av: elleen
hahaha bästa på hela dagen! o golfbollen o sportandet var ju de bästa i hela er arbetslösa klubbb <3
Postat av: milla
hahahha helt sjukt bra!!!
Postat av: Anonym
hahah, u gave me a good laugh!