home is where your heart is/home is where you hang yourself

Things I will do when back in Helsinki:
+ Rent first best hotelroom with my hunk
+ Spend money on superficial stuff
+ Get sexual
+ Drink
+ See Nelly
+ Rape Nelly with hugs
+ Get sexual
+ Drink
+ See Nelly
+ Rape Nelly with hugs
+ Make summerplans with Nelly
+ Have shit lots of slumberparties with Ellen
+ Drink
+ Go to all the kesäkirpparit
+ Go to a festival
+ Drink
+ Go to all the kesäkirpparit
+ Go to a festival
+ Apply for a job
+ Drink
+ Recerve a trip to Spain or Ibiza
+ Stop chainsmoking (LOL just kidding!)
+ Drink
+ Drink
+ Shave my legs
+ Recerve a trip to Spain or Ibiza
+ Stop chainsmoking (LOL just kidding!)
+ Drink
+ Drink
+ Shave my legs
Postat av: elllen
plans are for dummies. nånä <3